Other Recipes

Italian Rabbit Stew Recipe

Italian Rabbit Stew Recipe

Today, we shall explore a culinary delight beyond the ubiquitous pizza - a delicious rabbit stew prepared on the Infinity 66 hybrid wood/gas oven.

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Wood Fired Wagyu Flank Steak Tacos

Wood Fired Wagyu Flank Steak Tacos

Get Fired Up as Johan Magnussen of Big Swede BBQ elevates these street tacos by using Wagyu flank steak and cooking them in our Infinity 66 wood and gas-fired pizza oven! 

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Wood Fired Toasted Cheese Sandwiches

Wood Fired Toasted Cheese Sandwiches

Have you ever wanted to try making something other than pizza in your WPPO oven? This delicious Toasted Cheese Sandwich is a great place to start because it has a short list of ingredients, is very easy to cook in a wood-fired oven, and is a crowd-pleaser for both adults and children.

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